September 8-10 2023
Rotary Waterloo was excited to team up with Northern Heat Ribfest series to present the Waterloo Ribfest which was the first held since 2019. Over 7000 came out to eat ribs and enjoy great music.

September 11 2023
Members of Rotary Waterloo joined other clubs and the local Kiwanis clubs to hear local Nobel Laureate Donna Strickland .
September 24 2023
Members of Rotary Waterloo were thrilled to volunteer at the Waterloo Wellington Down syndrome Societies Any Which Way You Can A-Thon. Volunteering to help set up for the event, work in the garment store selling T-Shirts, hats and various other items and work as route marshals.

September 26 2023
Rotary Waterloo Introduced Kayla Welch of Davenport Catering as our latest Paul Harris award winner. Kayla has been an integral part of our local meetings for several years creating great tasting food.
We were thrilled to induct 2 new members to our club.

Lastly we were thrilled to have Nick Pegg and Mark Stomenberg from Hashtag Hope to tell us about their good work, pursuing a world without suicide through outreach and equipping.